Building Safety Industry & The Next Generation

by | May 29, 2020

As ICC Building Safety Month comes to a close, let’s take a closer look at how the future of the industry looks as a whole.

Training, Certifications and Career Advancement

Ensuring that the workforce in building safety is well-trained and motivated is key to maintaining safe built environments across the globe. One of the key components in accomplishing the continuous advancement of the workforce is through effective and perpetual training. This applies to all careers in the building safety field including inspectors, building officials, special inspectors, permit technicians, fire marshals, plumbing inspectors, etc.

The International Code Council has more information on career development and training at their Learning Center. Click here for more info.

Future of the Building Safety Workforce

The building industry is aging. According to a 2014 survey by the National Institute of Building Sciences, the industry will lose 80% of it’s workforce over the next 10-15 years. Many sectors of the industry across the board are already experiencing workforce shortages. The majority of these shortages are due to a lack of unqualified candidates.

The ICC and NIBS is calling on young professionals as well as anyone looking for a career shift to look into building safety careers! The Code Council recently developed their Safety 2.0 initiative. Their goal is to “welcome a new generation of members and leaders to the building safety profession.”

Programs currently being offered include high school and college technical training programs as well as the Military Families Career Path Program. The MFCPP promotes building safety careers to military personnel after service.

If you are a student or professional who is interested in a new career field, click here to check out the Building Safety Career Path web page.

Additionally, weeks two and three of ICC Building Safety Month was filled with interesting topics of conversation and information. These specifically included water safety, innovation, resiliency and sustainability. If you’re interested in learning more about these topics, click here or search/use #BuildingSafety365 on your social media platforms.


Building Maps is the industry leader in creating and maintaining safety maps for schools, companies and organizations across the country. If you have a need for safety maps, request a quote or contact our team for more information on how our services can make your buildings safe and code-compliant.

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Training the Next Generation – Week Four, ICC Building Safety Month

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