The difference between NFPA codes and Standards

The difference between NFPA codes and Standards

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is a self-funded nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards. Their mission is to help save lives and reduce loss with information,...
Severe Weather Sheltering Tips & Guidelines

Severe Weather Sheltering Tips & Guidelines

Severe weather emergencies can strike at any time. Whether your building lies in an at-risk area for a natural disaster or not, it is important to be prepared for all types of weather emergencies in order to ensure the safety of the occupants of your building. The...
Evacuation Map Frames and Signage

Evacuation Map Frames and Signage

Building Maps offers safety mapping services to organizations across all industries. We focus on helping you protect the lives those that work, visit and reside in your buildings. This is done by properly planning for potential emergencies and disasters. After...
Our School Safety Conference Circuit

Our School Safety Conference Circuit

It has been a very exciting year at Building Maps! In addition to business as usual – creating and maintaining fire evacuation maps for organizations throughout the United States – we’ve been on the road all summer learning about school safety and...

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